Nowadays cryptocurrencies and NFTs are really common topics. Some people don’t believe in them, some people does, and some are making fun of them. Everything started in 2008, when Satoshi Nakamoto annouced first sucesfull attempt of creating cryptocurrency – bitcoin. Nobody knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is, or if it is even a person. Some people says, that bitcoin was created by Elon Musk. After couple of years, bitcoin became part of most investor´s lives and started moving with the worldwide market. A lot of developers inspired from bitcoin´s success and wanted to make something similar. That´s how Etherium, Binance and other Alt coins were made. I personaly think that NFTs could have similar future as bitcoin had couple of years ago. Meta´s Metaverse could theoretically boost the whole process aswell. In that case, I´ve already bought some NFTs and Cryptocurrencies. Here you can see my OpenSea collection.